5 profitable Business Tricks of AirLines

New Trendy Business Tricks of Airlines

 1.Buy plane with low price on bulk order

 Buy planes with Bargained price with bulk order(ex:100 planes) sell with market rate to lesser company and lease the same on minimum 5 yearly basis,this way plane owned by you and get profit from trading.

2.More economy tickets.

Reduce business class tickets , this will reduce business class leisure cost  and even airport lounge maintaince cost. More economy tickets increases durable income every month.

3.No Complimentary meals

No entertainments like movie screens or complimentary meals because customers will be using mobiles, tablets more often , if hungry buy food this will reduce food cost.

4.Buy Fuel efficient planes 

New technologies have come up with fuel efficient planes with relative software to maintain speed to reduce fuel consumption, buying fuel efficient reduces more cost

5.Reduce cleaning cost

Train plain flight attendants crew members to clean the waste inside plane with immediate on board it will make on time fly ,this will reduce cleaning staff cost .

6.Avoid new destination cost but with frequent fly  to old airports

New destination require new setup of check-in counters,advertisements,staff maintainence

7.Attract Customers with New planes 

Buying planes with new order for every 5 yrs ,attracts the customers with new plane

8.Reduce Staff Training cost 

Since training given to every staff will be almost similar , getting same staff for existing airline companies will reduce training cost.

9.Reduce Lounge maintenance cost

Reduced business class tickets ,reduces lounge cost which expensive in most airports

10.Reduce plane maintaince cost

Order again new planes and rent for 5 yrs this will reduce plane maintaince cost 

11.Best place to work for employees

Increase salaries to employees,make staff to be productive and focused with best envireoment to work.

12.On Time or Before Time Reach Destination

Most of customers wants to reach on time ,rather than an expensive or luxury service.

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