Cloud Kitchen- High Profitable Venture

Cloud kitchen or Dark kitchen a venture going on last few years and been sucessfull on panademic like COVID.

Cloud kitchen a business model where customer will not be visiting the restaurant, instead a location near by city it could be small room on highest floor of building where one or two chefs will prepare dishes and getting orders online and orders delivered by Tie up delivery companies.

Procedure to Setup the venture.

1.A small comfortable room near to the city on Last floor of the low rent building.

2.Setup kitchen with minimum utensils ,stoves.

3.Electronic gadgets to get online orders

4.Minimum Two Chefs with skilled and fast processing orders.

5.Tie up with Delivery companies like talabat,wishbox..


1.No high rents because of small room but near to city to ease delivery efficiently.

2.No Cost on interiors 

3.No delivery cost..

Already in Countries like india its been sucessful business and here in Qatar its already expected to reach billion profit by 2022 year as per Media reports.

A youtube video in detail , refer below link..

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